Session 13: Sentences

Cyhuddodd e`r plant o ddwyn o`r siop.

        He accused the children of stealing from the shop.

Dangosodd y rheolwr i`r cynorthwyydd sut i ddefnyddio`r cyfrifiadur.

        The manager showed the assistant how to use the computer.

Bydd y darlithydd yn dysgu am goedwigaeth ac amaethyddiaeth.

        The lecturer will be teaching about forestry and agriculture.

Rhaid iddyn nhw atal pobl rhag siarad yn y llyfrgell.

        They must stop people from talking in the library.

Anfonodd y cwmni`r nwyddau at y cwsmer.

        The company sent the goods to the customer.

Gwnaethon ni adrodd wrth y perchennog am ddŵr yn dod trwy`r nenfwd.

        We reported to the landlord about water coming through the ceiling.

Cuddiodd y cerddwyr yn y coed rhag y ffermwr dig.

        The walkers hid in the wood from the angry farmer.

Fe wnaethon ni ddianc rhag y bobl ddiflas yn y parti.

        We escaped from the boring people at the party.

Dychwelodd yr athro i`r ysgol i gwrdd â rhieni.

        The teacher returned to the school to meet parents.

Rhaid inni amddiffyn rhag difrod yn ystod y storm.

        We must protect against damage during the storm.

Wnest ti gofio i dalu bil y gwesty?

        Did you remember to pay the hotel bill?

Rhaid i chi gytuno gyda phenderfyniad y llys.

        You must agree with the decision of the court.

Roedd yn dadlau â’r swyddog ynglŷn â’r ddirwy barcio.

        He was arguing with the officer about the parking fine.

Maen nhw’n chwilio am ddatrysiad i’r broblem.

        They are searching for a solution to the problem.

Mae`r cwmni`n credu mewn darparu hyfforddiant da i staff.

        The company believes in providing good training for staff.

Ymwelodd y gwleidydd â`r dref a chyfarfod â`r maer.

        The politician visited the town and met the mayor.

Peidiwch â chyffwrdd â bara poeth o`r popty.

        Don`t touch hot bread from the oven.

Mae`n mynd i lawio felly cofiwch am fynd â`ch cot.

        It is going to rain so remember to take your coat.

Roedd yn aros wrth y goleuadau traffig.

        He was waiting at the traffic light.

Roedd y plant yn chwilio am yr hwyaid wrth y llyn.

        The children were looking for the ducks at the lake.