A gawsoch chi help gan y garddwr? Do. Did you get help from the gardener? Yes. A oedd cur pen arni hi ddoe? Nag oedd. Did she have a headache yesterday? No Sawl bwyty weloch chi yn y dref? Gwelais i dri. How many restaurants did you see in the town? I saw three. Ydych chi`n bwriadu cychwyn ar y prosiect y flwyddyn nesaf? Ydw. Do you intend to start on the project next year? Yes. Allwch chi ffonio`r meddyg ar unwaith? Gallaf. Can you phone the doctor immediately? Yes. Lle cawsoch chi`r llyfr? Ces i fe o siop lyfrau yn y dref. Where did you get the book? I got it from a bookshop in the town. Pryd oedd e yma? Roedd e yma tua deuddeg o`r gloch. When was he here? He was here at about twelve o`clock. A fydd e`n deall rheolau`r gêm? Bydd. Will he understand the rules of the game? Yes. Pam nad oedd o ar werth y llynedd? Dydw i ddim yn gwybod. Why wasn`t it for sale last year? I don`t know. Wnaethoch chi gytuno â phopeth? Naddo, nid popeth. Did you agree with everything? No, not everything. Faint yw`r ci hwnnw yn y ffenestr? Nid yw`r ci hwnnw ar werth. How much is that dog in the window? That dog is not for sale. A ddylen ni fynd i`r dosbarth Cymraeg? Fe ddylen ni. Should we go to the Welsh class? We should. Ydy hi`n mynd i ffwrdd yr wythnos nesaf? Nag ydy, mae hi`n aros am wythnos arall. Is she going away next week? No, she is staying for another week. A ddewch chi draw i helpu? Na dof, dydw i ddim eisiau helpu. Will you come over to help? No, I don`t want to help. Oedden nhw gartref ddydd Iau diwethaf? Roeddent. Were they at home last Thursday? Yes. Dyna`r ateb cywir, ynte? Ydy. That is the right answer, isn`t it? Yes. A oes unrhyw fwcedi yn y sied? Oes, mae dau. Are there any buckets in the shed? Yes, there are two. A allwch chi gael lifft adref ar ôl y cyfarfod? Gallaf. Can you get a lift home after the meeting? Yes. Faint o`r gloch fydd y ffilm yn cychwyn? Bydd yn dechrau am saith o`r gloch. What time does the film start? It starts at seven o`clock. Pwy sydd ar glawr y cylchgrawn newydd? Prif weinidog Seland Newydd ydy honna. Who is on the cover of the new magazine? That is the prime minister of New Zealand. |