Prynodd ei char newydd yn y garej. She bought her new car at the garage. Es i i`r siop, dewis anrheg a thalu amdani. I went to the shop, chose a present and paid for it. Mae yn ein tŷ ni, nid yn eu tŷ nhw. It is in our house, not in their house. Mae angen i ti orffen dy waith cartref rŵan. You need to finish your homework now. Mae ein tîm heb obaith o ennill y cwpan. Our team has no hope of winning the cup. Ble ydyn nhw`n mynd gyda`u ffrindiau? Where are they going with their friends? Sefwch i fyny, darllen eich adroddiad ac ateb cwestiynau. Stand up, read your report and answer questions. Gawsoch chi win gyda`ch pryd o fwyd? Did you have wine with your meal? Rydw i`n prynu fy llysiau yn eu siop. I buy my vegetables at their shop. Mae`n gallu teithio ddydd Sadwrn gyda`i docyn tymor. He can travel on Saturday with his season ticket. Bydd y siop newydd yn agor yn fuan. The new shop will be opening soon. Dywedodd hi fod eich car y tu allan eu tŷ. She said that your car was outside their house. Clywais am ei ddamwain gan fy mrawd. I heard about his accident from my brother. Mae hi`n mynd i baentio ei chegin yr wythnos nesaf. She is going to paint her kitchen next week. Dw i ddim wedi gweld ei lythyr yn y papur newydd, ond gwelais eich llythyr chi. I haven`t seen his letter in the newspaper, but I saw your letter. Dyma`r allwedd i`ch ystafell. This is the key to your room. A ddewch chi i`n siop ddydd Mercher? Will you come to our shop on Wednesday? Pwy ddywedodd wrthych chi fod ei athro`n sâl? Who told you that his teacher was ill? Faint ydyn nhw’n mynd i wario ar eu gwyliau? How much are they going to spend on their holiday? Gwnaeth ei galwad ffôn o fy swyddfa. She made her phone call from my office. |