Session 15: Story

Mae Chris yn adeiladwr

        Chris is a builder

Pan briododd e â Sue, cytunon nhw y byddent yn adeiladu eu cartref perffaith eu hunain un diwrnod

         When he married Sue, they agreed that they would build their own perfect home one day

Yn ystod ei waith, gofynnwyd i Chris edrych ar adfail castell

         During his work, Chris was asked to look at a ruined castle

Dyn busnes oedd y perchennog a oedd wedi prynu`r adfail yn rhad ac eisiau ei adfer

         The owner was a businessman who had bought the ruin cheaply and wanted to restore it

Esboniodd Chris y byddai`r prosiect yn cymryd blynyddoedd, ac y byddai`r gost yn enfawr

         Chris explained that the project would take years, and the cost would be enormous

Cafodd y dyn busnes ei siomi, a dywedodd wrth Chris y byddai`n cefnu ar y prosiect ac yn gwerthu`r castell

         The businessman was disappointed, and told Chris that he would abandon the project and sell the castle

Sylweddolodd Chris y gallai hwn fod y cartref yr oedd yn breuddwydio amdano

         Chris realised that this could be the home he was dreaming about

Gwnaeth gynnig am yr adfail, a derbyniwyd ef

         He made an offer for the ruin, and it was accepted

Gwerthodd Chris a Sue eu tŷ, a symud i mewn i garafán ger y castell

         Chris and Sue sold their house, and moved into a caravan by the castle

Dechreuon nhw weithio a chwblhau cwpl o ystafelloedd lle gallan nhw fyw

         They started work and completed a couple of rooms where they could live

Un o`r problemau mwyaf oedd dod o hyd i gyflenwad dŵr

         One of the biggest problems was finding a water supply

Byddai`n ddrud iawn gosod peipiau dŵr o`r pentref agosaf, ac nid oedd unrhyw ffynonellau dŵr eraill gerllaw

         It would be very expensive to lay water pipes from the nearest village, and there were no other water sources near by

Caniataodd ffermwr lleol iddynt lenwi cynwysyddion dŵr, ond datrysiad dros dro yn unig oedd hwn

         A local farmer allowed them to fill containers of water, but this was only a temporary solution

Un noson pan oeddent yn y castell, bu storm fellt a tharanau enfawr yn union uwchben

         One night when they were in the castle, there was an enormous thunder storm right overhead

Cafodd eu cath ei dychrynu a chuddiodd o dan y gwely

         It terrified their cat and she hid under the bed

Yn sydyn bu streic mellt yn agos iawn, ac yna sŵn chwalu

         Suddenly there was a lightening strike very close by, followed by a crashing noise

Rhuthron nhw allan i weld beth oedd wedi digwydd

         They rushed out to see what had happened

Roedd y mellt wedi taro coeden ac yna chwympodd hi

         The lightning had struck a tree and then it fell

Tynnodd y gwreiddiau gerrig i ffwrdd i ddatgelu hen ffynnon

         The roots pulled away rocks to reveal an old well

Roedd hyn wedi darparu dŵr i`r castell

         This had provided water for the castle

Roedd eu problem cyflenwad dŵr wedi`i datrys

         Their water supply problem had been solved