Session 3: Sentences

Gofynnon ni am bris y gwyliau.

        We asked about the price of the holiday.

Fe barciodd y dyn ei gar o flaen y tŷ.

        The man parked his car in front of the house.

Fe ymweloch chi â rhai gwledydd diddorol y llynedd.

        You visited some interesting countries last year.

A wnaethoch chi edrych am yr arian pan aethoch chi i`r swyddfa?

        Did you look for the money when you went to the office?

A wnaethoch chi anfon y pecyn yn ôl i`r siop?

        Did you send the package back to the shop?

Gadawon ni ein hen oergell yn y ganolfan ailgylchu.

        We left our old fridge at the recycling centre.

Prynodd dyn cyfoethog yr hen blasty a`i agor fel gwesty.

        A wealthy man bought the old mansion and opened it as a hotel.

Clywais yrrwr y bws yn siarad am y ddamwain yn y pentref y bore`ma.

        I heard the bus driver talking about the accident in the village this morning.

Gwerthais y tŷ yn y dref heddiw a symudais i bentref.

        Today I sold the house in the town and moved to a village.

Cyrhaeddodd y trên hanner awr yn hwyr a chollais y bws.

        The train arrived half an hour late and I missed the bus.

Stopiodd yr heddlu`r parti pan gwynodd cymdogion am y sŵn.

        The police stopped the party when neighbours complained about the noise.

Gofynnodd yr arwydd i bobl yrru`n araf.

        The sign asked people to drive slowly.

Dechreuodd y bobl leol siarad Cymraeg pan ddaeth y dieithriaid i mewn i`r dafarn.

        The local people began speaking Welsh when the strangers came into the pub.

Y llynedd fe wnaethon ni ennill y mwyafrif o gemau ond fe gollon ni yn erbyn Aberystwyth yn y gêm olaf.

        Last year we won most games but we lost against Aberystwyth in the final match.

Rhoddodd y gwleidydd araith ddiflas pan agorodd e`r amgueddfa newydd.

        The politician gave a boring speech when he opened the new museum.

Ni aeth e i`r cyfarfod ond anfonodd ei ymddiheuriadau.

        He did not go to the meeting but he sent his apologies.

Dosbarthodd yr elusen daflenni i gartrefi ledled Cymru.

        The charity distributed leaflets to homes throughout Wales.

A wnaethoch chi ymweld â`r castell pan aethoch chi i Gaernarfon?

        Did you visit the castle when you went to Caernarfon?

Cyfieithodd y ddrama i`r Almaeneg ar gyfer yr ŵyl.

        He translated the play into German for the festival.

Pam wnaethoch chi werthu`r siop a phrynu bwyty?

        Why did you sell the shop and buy a restaurant?