Session 4: Story

Derbyniodd yr heddlu wybodaeth am grŵp o derfysgwyr

        The police received information about a group of terrorists

Roedden nhw`n cuddio mewn tŷ ar gyrion y dref

         They were hiding in a house on the outskirts of the town

Roedd y terfysgwyr yn cynllunio ymosodiad

         The terrorists were planning an attack

Gwnaeth heddlu arfog gyrch ar y wawr, ond yn darganfod bod y tŷ yn wag

         Armed police made a raid at dawn, but discovered that the house was empty

Roedd y grŵp wedi dianc yn gyflym, gan adael nodiadau a mapiau ar ôl

         The group had quickly escaped, leaving behind notes and maps

Roedd y grŵp yn bwriadu ymosod ar y maes awyr gan ddefnyddio ffrwydron, a rhoi gwenwyn yng nghyflenwad dŵr y ddinas

         The group intended to attack the airport using explosives, and put poison in the city`s water supply

Ar yr adeg hon derbyniodd yr heddlu newyddion bod pobl wedi torri i mewn i`r gwaith trin dŵr

         At this time the police received news that people had broken into the water treatment works

Dywedodd yr heddlu wrth beirianwyr i atal y pympiau dŵr ar unwaith

         The police told engineers to stop the water pumps immediately

Dangosodd prawf dŵr fod gwenwyn wedi`i ychwanegu

         A water test showed that poison had been added

Anfonodd yr heddlu rybudd i`r maes awyr, ond roedd y terfysgwyr wedi ffoi

         The police sent a warning to the airport, but the terrorists had fled

Wythnos yn ddiweddarach ar ôl chwiliad enfawr gan yr heddlu, daethpwyd o hyd i’r gang a’i arestio

         A week later after a huge search by the police, the gang was found and arrested